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Customer Satisfaction
A leading company
in the 21st century information
It will guide you through
the GOC Co., Ltd. Public Relations.
It will guide you through
the GOC Co., Ltd. Employment.
To foster knowledge workers through voluntary participation and motivation of employees in full support of the company carried out following the same training.
- Introductory training for new employees : Enhanced understanding of the GOC Co.,Ltd. culture and by learning basic literacy skills and business knowledge base with new recruits
- Seungjinja Training : Training for independent work skills as the ability to take action and strengthening junior administrators
- Promotion executive education : improving quality over as executive decision making and leadership development
- Safety training : a flagship thorough safety accident prevention by enhancing the safety awareness
- Sexual harassment prevention training : one unsavory prevention and social improvements among employees
- Information Security Training : Securing confidential company as well as individual
- Job training for improving productivity and quality stabilization
- Outside job training for acquiring new knowledge and new technologies to improve quality employees
- Excellent skills acquired during incentives to target the production, technology sector workforce
- Foreign Korean Education : Korean Language and communication operations for a quick settlement of foreign workers
- Required qualifications and degree carried Incentives
- Ethics and mind-control, leadership, teamwork, improve human rights, etiquette training